Monday, February 23, 2015

Week 8 Feb 15-22nd

Wow this was a busy week--Here are some highlights

Waiting for Meg's concert--we left at 2 for a 5:30 show:)  Lots of planning and coordinating.

Megan's concert  (above here is a picture with some of the kids in her class---what a treat--they had the kids dance, play instruments, sing.  The theme was "play" and had music from different countries and ended with "let's go fly a kite" from Mary Poppins as she fulfills her mission in teaching Mr. Banks to "play" with his kids.   I really liked one song that came from South Africa.  Megan's playing can be seen here:

Jordan got a "play" day at school this Thursday.  It was his schools' "w.o.w.' week (week without walls---a lot of kids go on trips with the school at this time each year)  and so they get a couple days off and then there are different activities going on at the school you can be a part of if you sign up in time:).  Jordan went on Tuesday to watch the Model United Nations and really enjoyed that and is looking forward to being a part of that.  Thursday, was the fun day with ultimate dodge ball, free krispy kreme donuts, quiddich--(where he became the "snitch" and was in a tackle/wrestling match.  How do you like his face?) and the Amazing Race, etc.
   We were invited to a cultural event this weekend and went to learn. We were divided, as their culture the men in one room, women in another.  They had children playing in another room.  When I saw them again -this is what I saw:
 Henna is really popular here--Haley did not know it was a temporary tattoo --it will be on for a week or two but it will come off.  It usually costs money and is something you see a lot so I just explained that today we were experiencing the "culture".  Their face painting was a mess the rest of the day as you'll see in the pictures;)  They taught us a little bit about volunteering in their culture and love/marriage and we watched a movie about a man named Ibn Battuta.  Have you heard of him?  He actually traveled more than 3 times the distance than Marco Polo.  I had not heard of him.  It was interesting.  It taught about why they do this walk to Makkah each year to worship.
The ladies were very kind and Dave and Jordan had a really neat conversation with the men in the question and answer session near the end of the event.
   Art made with Arabic words
   The Arabian Falcon--Ryan wasn't too keen when it moved : )
 The girls also got to dress up in some of the clothes:
 They also had a man doing calligraphy and he wrote our names in Arabic.  They had several different ways of saying "David".  Some of the ways you write the "sounds" of our alphabet is different ---like "ha" can be with a short a or long a sound so depending on that --it is written a specific way so it's not like a letter H is the letter H no matter what.  It's interesting.

 Later that evening I went over to the Expo right outside our compound and walked around and found a little dress for the girls.  It was like a big open warehouse with booths with clothes, incense (lots--and stinky:(), perfume, spices, honey from Yemen (which someone said was supposed to be really good but I guess I've been spoiled with real honey from my dad and grandpa's bees and so I thought it was gross to be honest, underwear--oh yes, that was interesting, and gold teapots, and henna, and much more.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Week 7 Feb 8-14

This week was friendship week so the girls paid 2 SAR a day to be able to dress up--my nerds:)

Ryan got another playdate this week with his friend, Finn.  We played basketball and soccer.  I realized we don't play very many sports with Ryan yet.  He had a great time.  We played for 2 hours outside at the two different parks.  

The girls sporting their new PJ's for pajama day.

Ryan and I took a shopping bus to the souks one day and walked and walked.  So proud of him.  We found these coasters.  We had heard that there was a store with maybe some Christmas things so we asked and he told us he had to buy a high price to bring these in.  This is hand made with wool.  Tree skirts.

Megan put this note on my bed on Monday--how could I resist a date with my daughter?:)

Addison's teacher gave her this flower for "friendship day".  She was taking pictures with my phone.

Friday we got to share some of things we've learned in life about things that are important to us prayer, study, faith...even Megan got to share today to with her friends.  Dave and I got to help with some kids that were Ryan's age.  They got to sing songs--and one of them was so funny I have to share:  We were driving and singing a song we used to sing "once there was a snowman" but then I tried to make a new version about kinda worked.   Well then a couple hours later when we were playing with the kids--they taught us the version they sing over here.  It goes like this:

Once there was a sandman, sandman, sandman.
Once there was a sandman tall, tall, tall
In the shamal he blew away, blew away, blew away:)
In the shamal he blew away small small small!
After our fun party we came home and put together a gift we got at Christmas.  Isn't it awesome?

On Saturday our kids surprised us with this in the kitchen in the morning!  We are so lucky.

Our new neighbors from Malaysia  had a campout the night before and the kids spent hours playing together.

 Then we played "hot-cold" to find little gifts we had for them.  While I know we should show our love everyday, I do like the fact we take a day each year to really focus on LOVING one another!
 I saw this really cute idea with pb m& m's which Dave happens to like so it took me two stores but I found some--fall time:)harvest not red, white and pink---but they still say "I love you"
Then late into our evening Jordan (mostly) and mom got to see some others that we love---if only those yw knew how much I love and miss them terribly!! It was such a treasure to see some of them....and ok, the boys too:)

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Week 6 Feb 1-7

So we have crossed our one month mark!

Around the table

Each night as we sit around the table we usually ask the family a question and take turns answering them.  Sometimes they are more silly/fun questions like "If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go", or more thought provoking like "How have you seen Him in your life today, what is something good that happened today that you can give thanks for." We also brought this little chair gift I received and whomever is sitting in the lucky chair, gets told all the wonderful things we love about that person:)  This past week I asked the kids "So we've been here a month, what is one thing you can see now that perhaps you took for granted back home?"  These were some of the answers (not in any particular order)

"Road signs"--you know that sounds crazy but when you are running out of gas and you have no idea where or IF there is a gas station around, when to get off at an exit....
"Grandma & Grandpa"
"Bacon Stroganoff and pulled pork"
"playing at the park"
"mom picking take us and picking up for school so no long bus ride"

This week we kind of took a step back and tried to keep low-key.  After much thought and prayer it was decided Jordan was no longer going to continue to swim.  We all felt really peaceful about that decision.
We did do the usual shopping trip BUT did stop at the Krispy Kremes--can you believe we made it a whole month before we went there???

Had our weekly kid date--  This was Megan on a robotic "car" animal thing with dad.

Ryan had a play date---this little friend Finn's mommy just had twins!!
Homework, racquetball, and then we put on a movie night
Thurs.  Due to a reschedule from last week, Jordan missed it to go dancing:) but the kids had no problem watching it again to get him caught up! Thank you to my sweet friend for sending the caramel popcorn recipe--a big hit! Everyone got to invite a friend and while it took a little longer to get started because of the internet, it was a fun night for everyone.