Monday, January 26, 2015

Week 4

Quick Summary--birds in Saudi, Arabic bread, epic kitchen fails, new explores, Jeremy update
While we are definitely having new and fun filled adventures, rest assured that we are having "real life" as well.  Just have a look--
*what happens when you are the "little brother" after 3 girls:)
*overworked tooth fairy --Haley lost her first molar:) That is 3 visits in one week! Tooth Fairy is going broke!
*I totally spilled bleach on my new pjs this week:( Ugh...why do I always do that?  I have a hate/love relationship with that chemical.
*AND epic kitchen fails:
vitamix recipe puffed pancakes--just for my pride, I made these all the time at home with success but kitchens hate me everywhere --just look here:
 This also may be the case of too many things wanting my attention at the same time!
 This happened the day we decided to have a friend over and make cookies:).  I had, thankfully, made dinner already with some success and was proceeding to make some chicken for a potluck the next day.  This was the beginning--soon the whole kitchen/house was filled with stinky smoke that lasted for days:(ugh.  Graciously, our friend stayed to make homemade Oreos and with silent prayers answered (haha) they actually did turn out quite tasty!!  At least we won't die of starvation.
Needless to say we did not make it to the potluck with any food to share due to my less than awesome kitchen skills and poor little Ryan catching a sickie bug and a fever:(  ---aka real life!

The days before he got sick though we had some fun even if these cookies weren't quite successful either (however this may said not to be my doing....this particular time)
Ninja cookies & drummer boy


There is this yummy stuff called Arabic bread here that is so cheap.  Only 1SAR (.26) for a package. You can make pizza, cheese quesadillas, cinnamon/sugar yummies:)  At the commissary they make it for you and it is even more delicious.  They use that brick oven (behind Ryan) and it is delicious!

We got Ryan a much needed hair cut this week.  It is 10 SAR for a haircut = $2.66 Can I say AWESOME.  Not missing my clippers.:)

We went adventuring on main camp and found the library there and Ryan mastered the climbing wall at the park outside.
We looked at the movie theatre--it takes a long time for "new"movies to get here from what we've been told.  Here is the current list of showings.

 They use cabbage as a border for the flower gardens here.

Jordan and Dad went to find the workshop building.  They are looking forward to trying a project or two.  They also found the Mexican restaraunt.  Dave says "Well...definitely no Los Portales" but after a month without tortilla chips and salsa, I didn't even care that they were stale when I ate them:)
Hard to see the bird, I know, but did you know pink flamingos live in Saudi?  Yeah, I didn't.
And just in case you are wondering--Jeremy is doing well, much to most of the Spriggs kids delight:)


  1. OH MY GOSH I LOOOOOVE this weeks posting! I'm super glad things are going well and everyone is taking the adventure in stride! I hope Dave is enjoying his work!

  2. Flamingos? You know how I feel about birds, Crazy! So who gets to cut Jeremy's hair?
