Sunday, March 29, 2015

Spring Break

Spring break has turned into 2 1/2 weeks here so I'm a bit behind--just saying I'll be catching up next week with lots of pictures to share!  Hope you are enjoying nice spring weather:)

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Week 11 Mar 6-13

This past week Dave was in Palm Springs CA.  While he was gone we

have had Friday Sabbath Lego challenge.  This is a few of what they came up with: (ignore the messy background--real life here;))
 This is Peter getting out of the boat to walk on water.                 This is Ammon at the water of Sebus watching the flocks of sheep--isn't that cute (far left) and the armless man on the right:)

 bus trips and naps --awesome right?
 pool time and  lots of sunshine

Addie was "star" student of the week and asked I make a star in her hair:) Megan got a "hat" day and we practiced spelling words by using her animals to spell them f-e-w:).

Jordan got to meet some new friends in Bahrain.  They did some fun service projects. They took food (1 kilo of rice and then bags of fruit/veggies) to donate, then they also took toys to donate to an orphanage over there.  It was a great opportunity for my kids to think of others and pick things that they felt other kids would enjoy playing with from their own things.  Jordan also said they cleaned up a beach. He met others from Kuwait and different areas of Saudi and Bahrain.  Talk about learning new things and stepping out of your comfort level right?  I mean we're talking going to a new country. It may not be super far away but still.
I am so grateful for the sweet comfort that comes in knowing He is mindful of each and everyone of us and is aware of our needs.  I am learning a greater understanding of faith.
  This is some of the things he saw. The fort below is a place we are hoping to tour when we go as a family. He was cleaning the beach.  This is what they call the causeway--the island is Bahrain.
While he was gone we explored an exhibit that they displayed a few weeks ago called the "flower festival"  We were at the cultural event so we had missed it, but as we drove by it on the bus we saw this---and we didn't want to miss it!  So with the heat coming, we knew we needed to get over soon so we could enjoy it too.  Some of the flowers have already started to wilt but the big towers were amazing when they were all in bloom.  Still lots of beauty to see and the weather was SO nice.  We made quiet a trek to get there from the middle school (no 4 o'clock bus-:)) but it was worth it.

 A Peacock!  Can you see the wings and beak? My kids kind of are in the way:) haha
 This was a display made out of old glass bottles.

 We also did some shopping and I had to include this--Ryan is always like "Are we going to buy the dead fish?"--This one is bigger than it looks in the picture and it had teeth so they were all checking them out.  It would have been a great opportunity for me to reinforce the importance of good teeth brushing, but thought of it later! Drat.
 We worked out to Jillian--some of us fared better than others :)
And Haley went over to main camp to help with a service project for kids ages 0-5 years . She passed of some "good works" she is working on in yw's and did some slushy making and some face painting. She really enjoyed that and has asked for some:)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

5 Senses of Saudi Mar 2-5th

Two months!!  Wow.  While I am sure there will be more to add to this as we are still just beginning to discover our new horizon, we thought we'd share some of the 5 Senses of Saudi we have discovered so far.  Obviously, there are a lot of pictures I've already posted of things to "see" here but here's a few new ones.

Sight:  Sand and date trees--they are not palm if you have been thinking that--like us:)haha.  Lots and lots of sunshine:)  The little black dot in this picture is of the jets flying overhead. I couldn't get it close enough.
the souks

 Abayas--these are the black robes women wear.  They come in various styles and when we went to the cultural event they said they don't have to wear black but that is just what they have always done so I guess they keep doing it.  Some can be very fancy or others quite plain.  I got a steal of a deal thanks to the kindness of a nice man who bartered for me:). I decided plain since I'm not planning on wearing it for fashion purposes---haha-but I think it could make quite the costume someday.

This is called the Crescent round about.  At night it is all lit up and it changes colors every few minutes.
Taste:  Shawamas--it's like a meat wrapped in a tortilla--sort of...also has a white sauce, french fries, sometimes cucumbers and ?.  Sometimes it is the same and sometimes different.  Hummus.  Everything is just a little bit different.  A couple weeks ago a friend brought this yummy(right) to a brunch we dipped apples in.  It is delicious--she got it Bahrain.  I made crepes this week and used the stuff--we licked it clean:)  Addie says it is better than nutella!!  She says it's like chocolate and caramel mixed.  haha!

Smell:  Weird this may be (says Yoda) --but perfume & cologne.  One of the first things I've noticed is that there are a lot of perfume and cologne around.  I just seem to smell it a lot on different outings. This is a good thing right:)
On the contrary--every now and then...there is a less desirable smell in the air.  Not sure where it comes from but it happens:)  Also in our homes we boil water each week and pour them down our drain pipes in order to keep things smelling more fresh.  I was glad to know that it was not just our home.

Sounds:  Air jets in Dhahran These can be pretty loud and we don't have them in Rakah but on main camp, I've noticed them a lot more.  People say you get used to the noise.  Different languages, honking of the car drivers, call to prayer times (5 times a day) ---One day Ryan says to Dave:  "That guys praying again."

Lastly, the phrase "good morning Mom"  This is often heard from the bus drivers or taxis or other workers who are trying to help you.  They are so genuine here and really show respect to moms. It is said in an endearing tone of voice.
Last week as I got off the bus this mom had a small child in her arms that had fallen asleep.  The bus driver got out the stroller for her and as she attempted to lay the child down she woke up.  She tried to put her to sleep and then tried again but the baby was up.:( poor mom.  The bus driver was there watching.  Then he said something to her I didn't understand and she said yes and he went back into the bus.. and then he came back out with another sleeping child on his shoulder and gently laid the little boy in the stroller so the mom could take the children home. I was so touched by his kindness and patience and tender care.  I just love that children are loved here.   They are so kind to help mothers here.  Instead of the impatient and judgmental looks as if you were the worst person to be parenting or even have a child, they genuinely try to help you and show respect.

Touch:  gritty sand--need I say more?  We live in a sandbox:)

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Week 9 Feb 23-Mar 1

This week we got the sickies.  Addison was home from school for 2 days but had gotten to bring home the class "pet" Fluffy so the second day wasn't too much suffering.  And Dad brought home a new and the only bike we now have--so fun and not so fun when we were having a hard time sharing it--just saying...real life.  Ryan had the fever a couple days later, after I had babysat for someone else:(  I felt horrible and we've prayed specifically for their family that they wouldn't get it since they have new baby twins.

This is what Ryan and dad built on his "stay home sick" day.

Haley had New Beginnings this week and they had a questionnaire for the new girls and their picture out so you can get to know them better.  This friend moved her a few days before us and they are from Wichita Kansas.

We started our  Saturday adventure at the Hobby Farm.  They have a restaurant there called the Chuckwagon and we ate lunch with some friends who was meeting a co-worker there as well.  They are from Canada and the wife is from Russia.  We came to Saudi about the same time and I recognized her just from seeing her around.  This is where the horses are but you have to own your own horse or know someone to be able to go riding.  A big disappointment for the girls.
Then these friends asked us to go take them to the four wheelers because they'd seen it on Dave's fb. Ryan and I didn't get to go last time so he was really excited but then frightened a little bit when it actually came time to driving it.  So even after Dave's attempt to help him to drive, he ended up driving with mom dad or Addie--she was so tender and went s-l-o-w:)

 The water in the back is Half Moon Bay in the Arabian Gulf.
Addie with the random camel, trash and machinery...  horses below with other random atv driversIt was really a crazy adventure. It is just this random place with sand all over.  We got out and paid for our wheelers and went riding.  There were horses there that you could pay to ride.  Then a little way off, there was a random camel tied up we just rode by to look at and then a big metal machine behind ?? just out in the middle of no where.  We also saw these gliders you could rent and try as well.  People also just had their trucks or jeeps and wheelin' around in the sand.   It was kind of bizarre.

 Haley is on the far right of this picture (below) about to jump.  Then the glider in the back.

Jordan wanted to see what it would be like to do a somersault off of his four wheeler down the side of a sand dune....You should ask him how that went sometime.  Thankfully we all came back with all of our body pieces attached...some bruised but thankfully that is all.